The Frey SEVEN

The Frey SEVEN

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy Birthday & A Winter Wonderland!

All the kids at Eli's 3rd B-day Party...we had fun! All the cousins on Brett's side we very missed.
Zahavah catchin snow flakes!

And Eli catchin snow flakes, but not with his hand!

Eli in his Woody Boots at his Party!


HollyMarie said...

Hi there, if you email me at hollykladder(at)hotmail(dot)com, I'd be happy to share with our about our adoption... ask me specific questions, cuz it's hard to know WHAT to tell people when they ask. But if you just go to our blog and then click on Ethiopia Adoption Process (in the labels section in the right hand column) you will find a lot of information. Also read up on the attachment posts (found via the attachment label!). Bereket was 6.5 yrs old when she came home.

Addie Talley, Photographer said...

Hey, I got your comment on my blog, but work has it blocked right now (its finicky)... can you email me at talleyimages (at) and I would be happy to talk with you... :)

*love the catching snowflakes pic!

Jennifer said...

We missed being there too!

fleur de lis cottage said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I do have Ava's gotcha day video on my current blog. I have another blog that follows our journey to China but I made it private a year ago. Please email me with any questions at