The best group shot I got! I really wish Pappy would of made of it, but he didn't. Thats ok, maybe next year. This is the one time of year my sibs and I make an effort to get us all together to enjoy the patch. This is the first year we went to The Great Pumpkin Patch and aside from the horrible wind that kicked up tons of dust and dirt...this patch rocked! The kids had fun, I got a delicate pie pumpkin (not the regular pinkish ones that are used for canned pumpkin) no...this one is the cream of the crop pumpkin pie pumpkin...or so the guy told me. If he was just trying to sell me a pumpkin...it worked. I took a ton of pics, but 50 were worthy of keeping. And b/c I'm dead tired...this is the only one my blog readers get to see today. :)